Lutex® HK and HK-E - Wet-running multi-disc clutches
Designed for marine drive systems, hydraulically actuated multi-plate clutches are installed where high torques need to be transmitted reliably in a small space. The oil-cooled discs with the friction pairing steel/sintered bronze are practically wear-free.
Any wear that occurs is compensated by the piston stroke, so there is no need to adjust the clutch.
Lutex® HK series
• For achieving the highest torques in a compact installation space.
• 100% compatible with known clutch solutions
Lutex® HK-E series
• For achieving the highest torques at increased speeds and large shaft diameters. Alternatively, it is possible to select a smaller clutch size if the diameter of the bore was used to determine the size so far. Performance data is identical to standard series.

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